Product Updates
Single-Use Codes for Akia’s Device Hub
Similar to the time range Master Codes, we’ve added support for Next Use Only (single-use) codes so you don’t have to worry about setting a specific time frame or revoking a maintenance person’s access after they are done. All you need to do is create the next use only code and after the person used it once, it is automatically unregistered from the lock.
Note each next use only code can only be registered to one device, but you can set the same code to multiple devices (e.g. front door code is 3321 and Unit A's code is also 3321) so the staff members don't have to remember multiple codes.
Learn more about managing your digital keys here: Akia Device Hub

Always Show Early Check-in or Late Checkout Upsell
Akia’s smart upsells dynamically show the upsell to guests depending on the unit’s availability. For example, Akia won’t show the early check-in upsell if a guest is departing from that unit on the same day and likewise with late checkout.
Change the Show Rule to Always so guests can always purchase the early check-in or late checkout upsell and your team can determine if you can approve or reject the request.
Learn more about adding Akia’s smart upsells to your Mini Apps here: Upsells

Toggle Collection Item’s “In Stock” status
To ensure collections mimic menus as closely as possible, we’ve added a toggle for In Stock so if an item is no longer available, guests won’t be able to purchase it from the Mini App. If the item goest out of stock but the guest had it in their cart, it will automatically be removed from the checkout flow.
Learn more about creating collections here: Collections

The guest will see the item is unavailable but still be able to order other items from the collection (if applicable).

Other Updates
- Send refunds in the Payments table if you’re using Akia Pay (Learn more about Payments)
- Collection-level checkout configuration - meaning each collection on a single Mini App page can have different tax rates
- Please reach out to us in the Support Chat or at if you would like to set this up
- New condition option Stay Extended
- Use this to send/not send a message if the guest has another reservation arriving on their original departure date (pairs with Extended Stay condition)
- Expand task’s description box for easier readability (click and drag the bottom right hand corner of the description box to drag it down)
- Correctly show notifications in the notification bell based on what features a user has (e.g. Order notifications if you have order permissions, broadcast notifications if you have broadcast permissions)
Mobile App Updates
New Task Page
To ensure the mobile app is aligned with the desktop version, we’ve updated the Tasks page on mobile to reflect the different task queues and statuses a task can have.
Learn more about Tasks: Create and Manage Tasks
Learn how to use the mobile app: Mobile App

Integration Updates
Property Management Systems
- Pull unit latitude and longitude from Hostfully
- No longer process waitlisted reservations from Maestro (only when the reservation status changes will Akia receive the reservation)
- Send back credit card and accompanying guests entered in the Mini App to Opera
- Receive rate code and booking source from Springer Miller
- Process Market Segment Code, Reservation Type, Booked Date, Number of Adults, Number of Children, and reservation notes from StayNTouch
- Automatically send back guest notes (the Notes widget underneath the guest’s profile) to Streamline’s reservation notes
- Disable chat when Airbnb is not installed on the Akia office
- Display name of the message sender (if the message is sent on Airbnb) in the Akia Airbnb conversation
Fixes & Improvements
Mini Apps
- Dropdown component always has the "Other" option available (if toggled on)
- Room Upgrade upsell will defer to Room Type if the reservation doesn't have a Room Number assigned
- Added an error message in ID Verification on the guest’s view when camera permissions are not allowed on the mobile browser
- Show per-night calculation in the Add to Cart button for nightly-priced collection items
- Support tokens in the Escalate Conversation action message
Inbox & Reservations
- Fixed Returning inbox smart tag not showing correctly
Team Communication & Analytics
- Fixed incorrectly notifying users of tasks created for offices the user doesn’t have access to
- Automatically populate the previously used task queue for manual task creation
- Added option to add/remove Manual ID Verification on a permission set
Device Hub
- Open guest chat and creating an activity Akia we cannot issue the guest’s keycode
- Support Lockly, 2N, and 4Suites locks