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Users & Permissions

How to add and edit users, departments, and permission sets

What Is the Difference Between a User and a Department?

Users are unique log-ins to your Akia account and can represent individual employees or computers which you access Akia from.


Departments are customizable groups of users based on their responsibilities at your property. Some common departments are Management, Housekeeping, and Maintenance.

Akia Tip: There is no limit to how many users and departments you have on your account, and there is no extra charge to add more.

What Is a Super Admin (⭐️)?

Super Admins, commonly the first user created in the Akia account, are automatically granted access to all offices (if applicable) and are able to create departments and edit department permissions. Under the Staff & Departments page, a Super Admin is notated with a star icon (⭐️) in the Admin column, while regular Admins only have a checkmark.


Super Admins are able to make other users Admins or Super Admins by clicking on the user’s name in the Staff & Departments page and selecting Make Super Admin in the popup.


How Do I Manage Users/Departments?

Add a New Department (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click + New Department
  1. Enter a name for the department and click OK
    1. Optional Department Settings
      • Task Suggestion: automatically suggest tasks to this department (either housekeeping or maintenance)
      • Chat Access: the ability to message guests via the Inbox
      • Auto-Assignment: select how Akia should assign new tasks for this department (Round Robin, Random, Don’t Assign)
      • Default Permission Set: choose the permissions you want this department to be granted (configured in the Permissions tab)
      • Routing: specify which guest messages should automatically be forwarded to this department
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Add a New User (Admins/Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click + New User
  1. Select the user type you wish to create
    1. Standard Users - General users of the platform
      • Enter the new user’s name and email address
      • Select language and department
      • Offices: Grant user access to other properties (if applicable)
      • Click OK
      • The user will receive an email to create their password and log into Akia
      Admin Users - Able to access the Property section of Settings and add new users
      • Enter the new user’s name and email address
      • Select their language and department
      • Click OK
      • The user will receive an email to create their password and log into Akia
  1. Click Ok to create the user and they will receive an email from Akia to set up their account
Each user needs a name, email, office (if you have multiple properties), and department.
Each user needs a name, email, office (if you have multiple properties), and department.
Akia Tip: If you select a language for a user, they will see messages (including date formatting) translated into their assigned language.

Upgrade Standard User to Admin (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on their name on the Staff & Departments page
  1. In the popup, checkmark Admin

Upgrade Admin to Super Admin (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on their name on the Staff & Departments page
  1. In the popup, click Make Super Admin (you will first need to upgrade them to Admin if they’re a Standard user)

Delete User (Admins/Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click on the user you wish to delete
  1. Click DELETE

Change User Name

While Logged in to Akia

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right
  1. Go to Settings > Profile
  1. Update the name field
  1. Scroll to the bottom, and click SAVE CHANGES
Under your Profile you’re able to edit your name, title, phone number, and password.
Under your Profile you’re able to edit your name, title, phone number, and password.

Change Another User’s Name (Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click on the user whose name you wish to change
  1. Edit their name and click OK


How Do I Manage User Permissions

Permission sets allow you to configure what features each of your users have access to. Permission sets can be specified on the department level (all users under the department have the same permission set) or you can edit an individual user’s permissions.

Depending on what features your Akia office has access to, you may see similar or different options than what is shown in the above screenshot.
Depending on what features your Akia office has access to, you may see similar or different options than what is shown in the above screenshot.

Add a New Permission Set (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile photo in the upper right corner
  1. Go to Settings > Permission Sets
  1. Click + Add Permission Set and give it a name
  1. Click on the permission set you just created and unselect which features you do not want users with the permission set to have access to
  1. Click Ok

Delete a Permission Set (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile photo in the upper right corner
  1. Go to Settings > Permission Sets
  1. Click on the permission set you wish to delete which will expand the section
  1. Scroll down to the bottom and click Edit
  1. Click Delete and specify which permission set the users should now be assigned to (this is to prevent users or departments from having no permission set assigned)
  1. Hit Ok to the deletion
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Assign Permission Set to a Department (Super Admins Only)

  1. Click on your profile photo in the upper right hand corner
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click on the department you want to edit
  1. Update the Default Permission Set field to the desired permission set
  1. Hit Ok to save your changes
Updating the permission set for the department does not automatically update the permissions for all users under that department, the change would only affect new users created for the department.
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Assign Permission Set to a User (Admins/Super Admins)

  1. Click on your profile photo in the upper right hand corner
  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click on the user you want to edit
  1. Update the Permission Set field to the desired permission set
  1. Hit Ok to save your changes
Admins are only able to edit Standard users’ permission sets, whereas Super Admins are able to edit Standard and Admin users’ permission sets.
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How Do I Reset My Password?

While Logged in to Akia

  1. Go to Settings > Password
  1. Type in your new password
  1. Hit Save Changes at the bottom
Under your profile, you’re able to edit your name, phone number, password, etc., and remember to save changes at the bottom.
Under your profile, you’re able to edit your name, phone number, password, etc., and remember to save changes at the bottom.

On the Login Page

  1. Go to the Login Page and click Forgot Password
  1. Type in the email address associated with your Akia account and click Reset Password
  1. A password reset email will be sent from Akia with a link to reset your password
  1. Update your password and sign in again

How Do I Update a Mobile Pin (Deprecated)?

  1. Go to Settings > Staff & Departments
  1. Click on the user you want to update a mobile pin for
  1. Update their mobile pin and hit Ok
  1. The new mobile pin should be reflected on the page within a few seconds

Use Cases

  1. 👥 Multiple Employees: Create individual users for your employees and assign them to a department for easier organization.
      • If you don’t want to create a user for each employee, create a user for each available desktop that will always stay logged in.
  1. 📈 Monitor Performance: Create multiple users so you can keep track of who is communicating with guests and closing out conversations.
      • You can look at your the top users who have closed the most tasks in the Analytics tab and see your staff’s average response time
  1. 🙅 No Distractions: Unselect “Department can chat with customers” and set up task suggestions and auto-assignment so a department doesn’t get notified for guest chats.

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