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Managing Multiple Properties

Switching between multiple properties’ accounts in Akia

Multiple Accounts

If your property belongs to a larger group, you can switch between the properties’ Akia accounts. You must have access to the other properties’ accounts in order to see them.

The Inbox shows messages from guests at all properties available to you. The guest’s property is listed below their name.
The Inbox shows messages from guests at all properties available to you. The guest’s property is listed below their name.

How Do I Switch Between Properties?

You can switch between multiple properties on both the desktop and mobile versions of Akia. You only need to do this if you are changing the property configuration or viewing Records.


Messages, team chats, tasks, and orders are kept in one place. You do not need to switch to view these for other properties.


Click on your profile in the upper right. If you have access to multiple properties, you will see them listed. Select the property you wish to view. You will see the name of the property change in the upper left.

Notion image


Click on your profile in the upper right. If you have access to multiple properties, the property you are currently viewing will be listed under Active Properties. Click on the property name to switch to a different account.

Clicking the
Clicking the Active Property will allow you to switch between properties.

Use Cases

  1. 📣 Broadcast: You will need to be logged into the correct property’s account to send a message to multiple guests at that location.
  1. ⚙️ Configuration: Make sure you are logged into the correct property’s account when making changes to Settings, Mini Apps, or Automation.

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