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Create and Edit Agreements

Have guests sign your registration card, rental agreement, or any other form

What Are Agreements?

Akia's Agreement Template is a form of Rich Attachment that can be dynamically generated and texted to recipients. Agreements allow the recipient to review the content of the template, fill in required and optional information, and sign the digital form.

Sample Agreement Template used as a registration card for a hotel
Sample Agreement Template used as a registration card for a hotel

Dynamically display guest information

Automatically populate the Agreement's contents with guest information like first and last name, room number, and arrival/departure dates.


Capture additional information

Create new inputs to ask guests for additional information like their personal emails, estimated arrival time, or photo ID upload.


Retain and retrieve signed Agreements

Akia keeps signed Agreements indefinitely, and they can easily be retrieved (and even printed!) from the guest's profile.


How Do I Create a Mini App Agreement?

First, you will need to create a Mini App by following the steps below

How to create a Mini App
  1. Go to the Mini Apps header and click + New Mini App to begin
    1. Notion image
  1. You are then prompted to choose your Mini App theme
      • These themes change the appearance of buttons/checkboxes/etc on your Mini App and note that you can change this later on
      • For branding configuration, please click here: Branding
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  1. Choose a theme and decide if you want a cover screen for your Mini App (the grey area would either be blank space or an image you upload)
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  1. After you choose a cover screen, or skip that option, hit Edit in the top right to begin editing your Mini App
      Similar to guest messaging, only one user can edit a mini app at once to prevent local changes from interfering with one another. Please be sure to save your changes or discard your changes before you exit the page!
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  1. After selecting Edit, you’re able to do many things to customize your Mini App:
      • Add bottom bar or side menu pages - Click ADD to create another page and toggle between them in the editor
        • We recommend having a maximum of 4 bottom bar pages so that the text and icons don’t get squished on smaller phone screens
      • Drag and drop elements into the phone editor - In the sidebar, drag one of the elements over to the phone screen to begin creating your Mini App
        • Clicking and holding an element that is already on the phone screen will allow you to move it up and down (if there are other elements on the page)
        • Format
          • Heading - Add a header to the top of the Mini App or for each new section
          • Notice - A yellow notification banner to alert and call out specific information to the guests
          • Text Block - Include single or multi-line text to the Mini App and use the magic wand to add message tokens to the text
          • List - Choose between a bullet or numbered list
          • Footnotes - Add small text at the bottom of your Mini App or underneath another component
          • Text - Ask guests for a free-form input (optionally pre-fill the value based on the guest’s information) and you can also configure which input type you accept here
          • Date - Guest can either write or use the calendar widget to select an applicable date
          • Time - The guest can write in or select a time with the clock widget
          • Checkbox - Guest can select or unselects to denote yes or no
          • Dropdown - Provide guests with options and they can only specify one (e.g., their payment method)
          • Image Uploader - Have the guest take or upload a photo to the page
          • ID Verification - If enabled, perform ID verification on the guest by requiring them to take a photo of their ID and a selfie
          • Signature - Require the guest to sign their name
          • Initials - Require guests to initial as they go through the mini app
          • Rating - Have the guest give a rating out of 5 or 10
          • Accompanying Guests - Have guests provide information for their accompanying guests
          • Separator - Include a line break or visual separation between different components
          • Table - Create a table where you can display reservation and guest information using message tokens
          • Reservations - Add the guest’s reservation information right in the Mini App
          • Cover Image - Add two images with one slightly in front of the other - best at the top of the Mini App with your logo in the smaller image and a unit photo behind it!
          • Image - A graphical image is embedded on the page (Images will be resized to 500x320 when added to the Mini App)
            • You can also use custom attributes in the image field to make it more customized for the guest. If you select Dynamically resolve image from token and replace the text with the custom attribute token, the system will pull the image link from the custom attribute based on the rule you set previously.
            • To add images to your custom attributes, please refer to this article: Advanced: Custom Attributes
          • YouTube Video - Embed a YouTube video straight into the Mini App so guests don’t have to switch tabs to learn more about your property (Only YouTube videos are supported at this time.)
          Interactive - If you want to include a regular hyperlink, you can use the format: [text](link)
          • Button - A button allows you to direct the guests to a different website or PDF and the color can be customized in your property’s Branding section
          • Button Grid - If you have multiple links, use a button grid to list them all
          • Directory - Use the Directory component to link guests to different places in your Mini App without having to create a list of buttons
          • Carousel - Clickable images with a description and the guest can scroll to the right to view more images
          • Link Cards - Stacked images with links that can be used to display various offerings
          • Expandable Section - Add an expandable section into your Mini App to initially hide information from guests if they’re not interested in learning more
          • Map - Embed a Google Map into your Mini App to make it easier for guests to navigate to your property
      • Zoom in/out of the phone screen preview - Can’t see the entire screen due to a display sizing issue? Click the -/+ to zoom the screen in and out
      • PUBLISH your Mini App! - Remember to save any changes you make by clicking SAVE CHANGES and then Publish in the top right
        • After you have published your Mini App, you can then send it to yourself to view by clicking the green arrow and providing your phone number
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After you have the Mini App created, you can add different form components the guest is prompted to fill out before submission. Click and drag new components into the editor to build out what you want the guest to input. In this example, we’re asking guests for their email, estimated arrival time, allergies, ID photo, flight time, requesting they acknowledge the terms and conditions listed above, and provide a signature.

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Learn more about how to create and edit Mini Apps here: Create and Edit Mini Apps


Don’t see the Mini Apps tab at the top of the page? Reach out to us in the Support Chat or at and we can help enable this feature for you.


How Do I Create an Agreement? (Deprecated)

Agreements can be found in your Settings under the Mini Apps section.
Agreements can be found in your Settings under the Mini Apps section.
  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner and go to Settings > Agreements
  1. Click + New Template to start creating a new Agreement template
      • Name: a short title displayed at the top of the form.
      • Key: a unique shortcode that the Agreement can be referred to as a Message Token when you send text messages.
      • Header: additional text description displayed under the property name. Typically, used for adding the property's address.
      • Body: the main content of the Agreement should go into the body. Akia supports Markdown and Message Tokens in the body text.
        • For example, this formatting will turn into a table:
        • |||
          | **Name** | {{customer.full_name}} |
          | **Arrival** | {{customer.check_in_at}} |
          | **Departure** | {{customer.checkout_at}} |
          | **Room** | {{customer.room_number}} |
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      Custom Fields: additional input options to solicit a response from the guest. There are several possible types of custom fields:
      • Text is a free-form input where you can ask the guest to type in specific information (e.g., their vehicle license plate).
      • Number is a numerical input where guests can type both negative and positive numbers. This can be used when asking guests to provide their phone number.
      • Checkbox is a checkbox input where select or unselects to denote yes or no.
      • Date is a general date selector the guest can either write or use the calendar widget to select.
      • Time: is a general time selector that the guest can write in or select with the clock widget.
      • Country is a country selector where guests can specify their home country.
      • Selector allows you to provide guests with options and they can only specify one (e.g., their payment method).
      • Multi-Selector allows guests to select multiple provided options (e.g., declaring any medical conditions on a waiver).
      • Full Name ask the guest to input their full name.
      • Email is similar to text input but is explicitly used for obtaining email addresses. If a guest has an email already on file, this input field can auto-populate their email. However, the guest can still update it when they are signing the form.
      • DOB: is another date selector the guest can either write in or use the calendar widget.
      • Est. Arrival is a time selector where you can ask guests to input their estimated arrival time. By default, the guest’s reservation details will update with this estimated arrival time.
      • Image is where the guests will have an option to take or upload a photo attachment into the agreement.
      • Marketing Consent is where you can encourage guests to subscribe to your marketing messages. This can be defaulted to checked.
      • ID Photo is where guests will have an option to/be required to upload an ID photo. Akia does not perform any verification on the submitted ID photo.
      • ID Verification Text: field for the guest to upload a photo of their ID and a photo of themselves. Akia will compare the name on the ID to the name on the reservation and photos to see if it’s the same person.
      • Upsells Text: offer room upgrades or add-on items to guests. Create them under Settings > Upsells
      • Payment: if you have Stripe installed on your account, you can enable payment processing in Agreements to either place a hold on a guest’s card or collect tips for your staff. (For more information, please refer to our Payments article.)
      Important: Please read about how Akia manages guest credit cards to avoid issues with losing card information
      • Agreement Checkbox: This special checkbox is typically used to ask the guest to acknowledge and consent to sign the form.
      • Fine Print: additional content you want to add as "fine print.” This content will be displayed as a footer in the Agreement.
      • Redirect to mini app after completion: automatically redirect guests to a Booklet/another Agreement after they complete the current one
      • Accompanying Guests: field for guests to enter their accompanying guests’ names, ages, phone numbers, birthdates, and/or ID images. Optionally can send a text message to accompanying guests if their phone number is provided.
        • Remember to specify what information you need to capture from accompanying guests.
        • Note that ID verification does not work for the image upload field. If you need to verify the identity of the accompanying guests, you need to send them a new agreement form with the ID verification field.
      • Completion Message: the message provided here will be the automatic message sent to the guest upon completion of the Agreement by the guest. For example: “Thank you! We received your agreement” or “Your door code is…”
      • Agreement Notifications: customize how staff are notified of signed/unsigned Agreements and if they need to countersign Agreements once guests submit them

Edit an Agreement

  1. Click on your name in the upper right corner and go to Settings > Agreements
  1. Click on the Agreement you want to edit
  1. Edit the text in any of the fields to see it automatically update in the preview
  1. Click Ok to save
Akia Tip: After you save your changes, previously sent Agreements will automatically reflect the changes without requiring you to resend them.

Video Guide

Showing how to create an Agreement, add custom fields, and specify the notifications. You are also able to duplicate the Agreement to any other offices you may have (if applicable).
Showing how to create an Agreement, add custom fields, and specify the notifications. You are also able to duplicate the Agreement to any other offices you may have (if applicable).

How to Send an Agreement to a Guest

In a Scheduled Message

Use the wand icon while you are creating your scheduled messages to link an Agreement. Hover over the Mini Apps section to select the appropriate Agreement.

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You will then see the Agreement branching off from the scheduled message, indicating it has been linked correctly. Note that if you have included a completion message in your Agreement, the message will also show as being linked.

Any other Mini Apps you reference in a scheduled message will also be shown branching off from it.
Any other Mini Apps you reference in a scheduled message will also be shown branching off from it.

In a Manual Message

To send a guest an Agreement, you can select it using the wand icon in the message editor in any guest chat.

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If you find yourself needing to send Agreements frequently on the Mobile App, you can create a Macro and link the agreement for easy access.


Delete an Agreement That Was Sent to a Guest

In a guest profile, you’ll see the Agreement widget that shows all of the Agreements sent to the guest. Clicking on an unsigned Agreement will pull it up in another tab, and clicking on VOID will delete it. (If the guest tries to click on the agreement link after it has been voided, they’ll be sent to a blank page.)


Please note that you are unable to delete signed Agreements from the system.

The Agreements widget will be in the guest profile sidebar and you’ll be able to void and view any Agreements generated for the guest here.
The Agreements widget will be in the guest profile sidebar and you’ll be able to void and view any Agreements generated for the guest here.
Clicking VOID will delete the Agreement.

Example Agreement & Optional Elements

The 4 next to the submit button shows the number of incomplete required fields before you can submit.
The 4 next to the submit button shows the number of incomplete required fields before you can submit.

Use Cases

  1. 📝 Registration Card: Display basic guest information like first and last name, room number, and arrival/department date along with verbiage around hotel policies (e.g., $250 fee if you smoke in the non-smoking room).
      • Optionally, you can create inputs to allow guests to add more information like their personal email or their estimated arrival time.
  1. 🙅 Waiver of Liability: Require the guest to acknowledge the risks involved in participating in activities at the property (e.g., canoe rental and usage at a lake resort).
      • Write the information in the body and include any relevant custom fields before requiring the guest’s signature.
  1. 😷 Health Screening Questionnaire: Ask the guest about their well-being and their prior exposure to illnesses (e.g., Covid-19 questionnaires).
      • You can add an image custom field to require the guest to upload their Covid vaccine card as well as their ID photo to ensure the guest is vaccinated.

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