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Send a message to multiple guests at once.

What Is the Broadcast Feature?

Broadcast allows you to send a message to multiple guests at once, whether you want it to go out now or later.

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Akia Tip: Any Audience Groups you create will appear under Filters, so you can broadcast to pre-designated contact lists. There is an Audience Group called housekeeper in this example.

How Do I Broadcast to Guests?


  1. Go to the Records tab
  1. Use the filters on the left to define the guests you want to reach
      • Example 1: Use the Arrival Date filter with today’s date to create a list of all guests arriving today.
      • Example 2: Use the In-House date filter with Thursday’s date to create a list of all guests arriving on Thursday.
  1. Click Select All at the bottom to choose all guests in the list.
      • You can also select or un-select guests individually.
  1. Click Broadcast
  1. Type in the message you wish to send or use a Macro. You can insert Mini Apps and Message Tokens using the Magic Wand icon.
  1. Select which platforms you would like the message to be sent on
      • Akia will send your broadcast message on the first available platform. If the guest doesn’t have a phone number and you select Email as option 2, Akia will try and send the message via Email.
      • If you have Airbnb installed, it will show up as an available platform.
  1. Optionally attach a file to the message and specify a time in the future for your message to send.
  1. Click Ok
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  1. Go to the Records tab, noted by the person silhouette 👤
  1. Click on the Arrival Date to change who you want to broadcast to
  1. Click Broadcast to type out your message to guests.
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Akia Tip: Your broadcast will send via all available platforms; so if you don’t want guests to receive your broadcast through multiple platforms, unselect to omit them from the broadcast.

How Do I View/Cancel Past Broadcasts

View your past Broadcasts or cancel a scheduled one by clicking on the clock icon to the right of the Broadcast button.

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Use Cases

  1. 🔔 Maintenance Alert: Notify in-house guests that the pool will be temporarily closed.
      • Set the In-House filter to today’s date.
  1. 🥂 Plan Social Events: Invite guests who will be in-house on Thursday to your weekly happy hour.
      • Set the In-House filter to Thursday’s date.
  1. 💵 Earn Revenue: Offer room upgrades to guests arriving today.
      • Set the Arrival Date filter to today’s date.

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