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Send a message to multiple guests at once.

What Is the Broadcast Feature?

Broadcast allows you to send a message to multiple guests at once, whether you want it to go out now or later.

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Akia Tip: Any Audience Groups you create will appear under Filters, so you can broadcast to pre-designated contact lists. There is an Audience Group called housekeeper in this example.

How Do I Broadcast to Guests?


  1. Go to the Records tab
  1. Use the filters on the left to define the guests you want to reach
      • Example 1: Use the Arrival Date filter with today’s date to create a list of all guests arriving today.
      • Example 2: Use the In-House date filter with Thursday’s date to create a list of all guests arriving on Thursday.
  1. Click Select All at the bottom to choose all guests in the list.
      • You can also select or un-select guests individually.
  1. Click Broadcast
  1. Type in the message you wish to send or use a Macro. You can insert Mini Apps and Message Tokens using the Magic Wand icon.
  1. Select which platforms you would like the message to be sent on
      • Akia will send your broadcast message on the first available platform. If the guest doesn’t have a phone number and you select Email as option 2, Akia will try and send the message via Email.
      • If you have Airbnb installed, it will show up as an available platform.
  1. Optionally attach a file to the message and specify a time in the future for your message to send.
  1. Click Ok
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  1. Go to the Records tab, noted by the person silhouette 👤
  1. Click on the appropriate filter to change who you want to broadcast to
  1. Unselect any guests you do not want to send the message to
  1. Click Broadcast to type out your message to guests
  1. Optionally select which platforms to send the message on, and reorder the priority if needed
  1. Optionally attach a file to the message
  1. Click Broadcast to send the message within the next few minutes
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How Do I View Past Broadcasts/Cancel Broadcasts

View your past Broadcasts or cancel a scheduled one by clicking on the three dot icon in the top right corner and selecting Broadcast History.

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If you have a broadcast scheduled, you are able to click the Delete button to not send it to the guest. There is no way to edit a broadcast after it has been created, so you would need to delete and recreate the broadcast to edit.

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Use Cases

  1. 🔔 Maintenance Alert: Notify in-house guests that the pool will be temporarily closed.
      • Set the In-House filter to today’s date.
  1. 🥂 Plan Social Events: Invite guests who will be in-house on Thursday to your weekly happy hour.
      • Set the In-House filter to Thursday’s date.
  1. 💵 Earn Revenue: Offer room upgrades to guests arriving today.
      • Set the Arrival Date filter to today’s date.

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