Product Updates
Device Management: Master Codes
Want to create emergency backup codes or give each employee a unique code? Create a master code for one or multiple devices for your team to use when emergencies occur or when housekeepers or maintenance need to access units.
In the Devices page, toggle to the Master Codes tab to begin creation. There is no limit to how many master codes you can have nor how many devices can be associated with a single master code.
Learn more about managing your locks in Akia here: Akia Device Hub

Void Mini Apps
In case you accidentally generated the wrong Mini App for your guest or the guest has canceled their reservation, you are now able to void the session so the guest is unable to submit.
To void a Mini App, hover over the name in the Mini App widget and click on the three dot icon. You will then see the Void option and confirm you would like to void the session.
Learn how to create Mini Apps here: Create and Edit Mini Apps

Resize and Reorder Dashboards
Sometimes the reports you have might not have as many columns as others, so you can resize those modules and leave the rest of the dashboard for the larger modules. Create a dashboard to view multiple reports at the same time and organize it based on how your team functions.
Learn more about creating dashboards with report modules here: Analytics - Dashboards

Other Updates
- Specify a specific department or user to be notified upon a Mini App submission
- Click on the three dots next to the Mini App screen name and click Notify on Submission to specify which users should be notified
- Optionally CC other emails when sending a message on the email platform
- If the cc’d email responds, Akia will create a new chat thread since it’s from a new email.
- Additional trigger configuration: Delay Actions Until, which will have Akia run the trigger at the specified time (e.g. Arrival Day at 3 pm)
- Best used for a Mini App Submitted trigger which can send the guest’s arrival instructions at the specified time regardless of how far in advance the guest submitted the Mini App. If the guest submits the Mini App after the specified time (e.g. 6 pm on Arrival Day), Akia will send the arrival instructions immediately.
- This allows you to prevent your guest’s door codes from sending to them before they have signed their rental agreement but also allows them to get the door code immediately if they sign the rental agreement later in the day.
- New report type: Messages, filter for messages sent on the Akia platform in a specific date range for internal tracking
- This report includes messages sent to and from guests as well as automated and staff messages. You can filter for these types of messages with is inbound true/false and sent by is set/is not set filters respectively.
- Show multiple emails in the inbox platform toggle if the guest has an OTA and a personal one
Mobile App Updates
Updated Records Page & Broadcast Flow
We’ve updated the mobile records page to better reflect the desktop layout. This includes showing the columns you have on desktop as well as having the option to fallback to another platform when broadcasting to guests.
View Guest’s Contact Information When Switching Platforms
When you switch platforms on the mobile app, we show the guest’s contact information for the other platform so your team can be sure you’re sending the message to the right phone number/email.
Click on the icon in the floating window of a guest’s chat to switch the platform on the mobile app.

Fixes & Improvements
- Enforce email verification for mobile log ins on a new device
- Fixed images sent on the Airbnb platform not displaying correctly
Integration Updates
Property Management Systems
- Check guests in and out of Cloudbeds via Akia
- Pull reservation’s refundable deposit amount from Escapia
- Pull owner status from LMPM
- Fixed certain custom fields not populating correctly from Streamline
- Optionally push back guest phone number, address, and date of birth to Track
- Fixed access code being empty for Track
Digital Keys
- Fixed RemoteLock access times being incorrect
Fixes & Improvements
Mini Apps
- Ability to edit smart upsell images
- Added a loading bar to the room upgrade smart upsell
- QR code submissions from Mini Apps are shown on the QR Platform
- Fixed Mini App page not refreshing automatically upon submission for display rules
- Fixed Mini Apps persisting on the kiosk after they have been completed
- Highlighting Mini App triggers if there is no specified Mini App for the automation to run
- Open ticket if the AI responder will say the same message twice in a row
Inbox & Reservations
- Increased max file upload limit to 300 MB
- Typing indicator in team chats
- No longer shortening links sent on the email platform
- Fixed conversations loading slowly
- Fixed creating accompanying guests from Mini App submission if they are already in the system via PMS
Team Communication & Analytics
- Added filter on Tasks page
- Resize and reorder dashboards
- Added total row for monetary columns (e.g. balance due, total payment, order value)
- Clicking on the confirmation message in the bottom right hand corner dismisses it
- Added sound toggle for Akia browser notifications configured in your profile settings