Product Updates
Per Night Pricing for Collection Items
We’ve added per night pricing to the collection item’s configuration so you can price certain items like a rollaway bed, crib, golf cart rental, or hot tub heating accordingly. Akia will automatically update the cart total based on the number of nights the guest is staying.
Learn how to create a collection here: Create and Edit Mini Apps (Collections)

Cooldown Period for Reassignment
Do you see issues with two users connecting to the same guest at the same time and it’s random who gets assigned the chat? We’ve implemented a 10 second cooldown period for chat reassignment so the user who connected first will have the chat open. The warning is shown in the bottom right hand corner as well as on the header of the message thread.

Other Updates
- Added Activity Heatmap back to the Analytics page
- Updated look of Collection items with no images on the Mini Apps screen
Integration Updates
New Integrations
- New Integration - FrontDeskAnywhere!
Property Management Systems
- Pull in reservation's ETA from Cloudbeds
- Fetch room ready status from Guesty
- Send back email, phone, DOB, ID documents, and guest address via Triggers to Opera
- Pull booked date from rezStream
- Retrieve Check out URL from RoomRacoon
- New token to sums up taxes and fees section from Streamline - customer.streamline_total_taxes_and_fees__a
- Optionally remove a Streamline flag when the Akia rental agreement is signed
- Pull num_adults, num_children, and num_pets from Track
- Fixed charges posting back to WebRezPro
Digital Keys
- Updated the default message for Aavgo
- Checkmark on the reservation in Akia when the guest uses Flexipass for the first time
Fixes & Improvements
Mini Apps
- Automatically force ID verification to use the guest’s front facing camera
- Added a third column in the reservation list component for Mini Apps
- Not prompt guests for their collect credit card if the cart total is $0
- Dynamically change the height of a collection with a single item based on the description length
- Fixed search bar toggle not enabling/disabling correctly in Mini Apps
- Fixed logos not displaying correctly
- Added content length to WhatsApp templates due to regulation from WhatsApp
- Fixed task dependencies showing up in task template selector of Create Task automation action
- Fixed values not passing "Not equals" condition check
Inbox & Reservations
- Display last 4 digits of the guest’s submitted credit card if payment succeeded
- Updated reservation selector for the Templates button when manually sending reservation-specific information to a guest
- Support all languages under the guest profile editor
- Fixed columns from one office persisting in Records' page after switching to another office
Team Communication & Analytics
- Fixed task dependencies being out of order when you create a task from a template
- Added task priority as an inbox smart tag for task chats
- Added sentiment score back to Analytics
- Added Order ID column to Order Reports
- Hide the submission banner and bottom bar when printing a Mini App
- Automatically use typing selector if there are more than 9 options in the dropdown