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Opera (OHIP)

Learn how to connect Akia to Opera OHIP

Enabling OHIP integration

  1. Please provide the following information to your Akia’s Customer Success Representative
      • Region: The region in which the hotel’s OPERA Cloud environment is running.
      • Tenant / Chain Code: The hotel’s tenant code used to target the right tenant especially in OPERA Cloud environments that host multiple tenants.
      • Hotel ID: The OPERA internal ID of a hotel in the customer’s tenant.
      • SSD URL: The URL on which to create an integration user. This is your OPERA login page URL.
Please refer to this PDF for guidance on locating the above information in your portal:
  1. A new integration user will be created on your behalf. The Opera hotel administrator will need to approve this request.
  1. Please let your representative know upon completion of the approval

There is nothing more you (the customer) needs to do on your end.

  1. Akia Customer Success team will complete the integration process once integration user has been approved
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