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Create and Edit Surveys

Collect feedback from guests during or after their stay

What Are Surveys?

Surveys give you an opportunity to collect feedback and other information from guests. You specify the questions, send them to your guests, and they can complete them. You will see their responses recorded in their message thread.

Survey questions with a 1-10 rating scale and free-form answer textbox.
Survey questions with a 1-10 rating scale and free-form answer textbox.

How Do I Create a Survey?

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right and go to Settings > Surveys
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  1. Click + New Survey
  1. Give your Survey a name and key (how the Survey is referenced in Akia for your Message Tokens)
      • Low Rating Trigger: have Akia create a notification/task when guests rate below a certain threshold and send a response message to the guest.
      • Redirect to an external page or send message to if guest rated high: Akia will send guests who give a high rating to a certain amount of questions a review link and send a response message to the guest.
  1. Click + Add Question at the bottom to begin writing your questions
      • There are 5 types (question formats) you can choose from:
        • Rating: asks guests to rate on a number scale
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          Single Choice: allows guests to select a single choice from a list of options
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          Multi Choice: allows guests to select multiple choices from a list of options
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          Text input: allows guests to type in a short answer (ex. zip code)
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          Open Ended: allows guests to type in a longer answer (ex. description of their stay)
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  1. Click Ok to save your Survey

How Do I Edit a Survey

Once you have created a Survey, you can always go back and make changes.

  1. Click on your profile in the upper right and go to Settings, then Surveys.
  1. Select the Survey you wish to edit.
  1. Update any of the questions or response trigger settings. Add a new question by clicking + Add Question.
  1. Clicking Archive will delete your Survey. Be sure to click Ok to save your changes.
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Video Guide

Showing how to create, add a low rating trigger, add questions, edit the Survey, and send the Survey to a guest.
Showing how to create, add a low rating trigger, add questions, edit the Survey, and send the Survey to a guest.

How to Send a Survey to a Guest

In a Scheduled Message

Use the wand icon while you are creating your scheduled messages to link a Survey. Hover over the Mini Apps section to select the appropriate Survey.

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You will then see the Survey branching from the scheduled message, indicating it has been linked correctly.

Any other Mini Apps you reference in a scheduled message will also be shown branching off from it.
Any other Mini Apps you reference in a scheduled message will also be shown branching off from it.

In a Manual Message

To send a guest a Survey, you can select it using the wand icon in the message editor in any guest chat.

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If you find yourself needing to send Surveys frequently on the Mobile App, you can create a Macro and link the Survey for easy access.


Use Cases

  1. ๐Ÿ˜Šย Gather Feedback from Guests: Learn what customers enjoyed and where your staff can improve.
  1. ๐Ÿ“ถย Collect Demographic Information: Find out guestsโ€™ age range, gender, and zip code and ask โ€œHow did you hear about us?โ€ to use for Marketing.

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