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Advanced: Contact Groups

Upload multiple contacts at once and group them

What Are Contact Groups?

With Akia, you can cluster guests into contact groups based on guests' characteristics and attributes. With contact groups, you can re-engage with previous guests about new promotions and offers.


For example, you could create a contact group of High Spenders — these are guests who stayed in certain luxury rooms; or an audience of guests who rated their stay a 5-star in the last 6 months. Marketers can select and use a variety of targeting combinations, such as existing contact groups and certain designated market areas. They can also exclude specific groups from receiving messages, e.g., guests who rated their stay 3-star or below.


Contact Group Types

Guests are automatically added to a contact group when they trigger a certain event and they pass the pre-defined contact group rules. Akia has three types of event-based contact groups:



The Rating event is triggered when a guest rates their stay at the property. You can specify and filter based on a specific star rating. This gives the marketer the capability to define a contact group who has rated their stay highly.

Example: All guests who have rated 4-star or higher in the past 6 months.


The Message event is triggered when a guest mentions specific keywords while they are chatting with the property. This gives you the ability to try to classify the guests based on their interests.

Example: All guests who mention something about "restaurant" or "dinner" in the last 3 months.

How Do I Create a Contact Group?

Manually Create a Contact Group

  1. Go to Settings > Utilities > Contact Groups
  1. Click + New Contact Group
      • Name: a descriptive name of the contact group
      • Event: select from the three available types of event-based contact group
        • Manual Add: manually add guests to the contact group in their guest profile
        • Rating: specify the minimum required star rating
        • Message: specify different keywords to match
  1. Click OK to save and create the contact group
By default, “Manual Add” guests to a contact group is selected.
By default, “Manual Add” guests to a contact group is selected.
Once a contact group is created, you cannot edit and change the contact group rule. If you made a mistake or want to edit, delete the contact group and create a new one.

Add a Guest to a Contact Group (Regardless of the Event)

  1. Go to the Guest’s profile in the sidebar of their message thread
  1. Click Edit to the right of their name
  1. Scroll down to Contact Groups and select the group you want to add them to
  1. Hit Ok to save
You can add a guest to a contact group even if you didn’t select “Manual Add” in the guest’s profile.
You can add a guest to a contact group even if you didn’t select “Manual Add” in the guest’s profile.

Upload a Customer List to Create a Contact Group

If you have an existing customer list of previous guests that you want to retarget, you can upload the list to create a contact group for that list.

For guests that are from a customer list that you upload, you are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with your governing legislation and obtaining reasonable consent or opt-in for marketing to those customers.
  1. Under Contact Group in Settings, you can click on Upload Contact Group to create a new contact group based on a CSV file.
    1. Notion image
  1. Name the contact group and select a file from your computer to upload
    1. Notion image
  1. Configure the upload by specifying and telling us what each column means, you'll need to have at least the last name and phone number in the CSV file
    1. You will see a preview of the different columns from your file on the Config page and you can specify each column type here.
      You will see a preview of the different columns from your file on the Config page and you can specify each column type here.
      • Check the Exclude Column Header if the first row in your file is a header
      • Specify the type of each column. Available options are:
        • Ignore: used if the data in this column is irrelevant
        • First name
        • Last name
        • Phone number
        • Mobile number
        • Email
  1. Click Save to create the contact group. Note that it may take some time to process and create the contact group if the file is large. You'll receive a notification when the contact group upload is completed.

Use Cases

  1. ⭐️ Encourage high raters to come back: Broadcast to guests who rated their stay highly with a promotional deal or offer for a return visit.
      • Learn more about broadcasting here.
  1. 🐶🐱 Pet Friendly: Let guests who previously asked about your pet policy the good news that your property is now pet friendly!
      • Create a Message based contact group to filter for guests who mentioned “pet friendly” or “bring pet” to quickly filter for the appropriate guests.

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