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Mobile App

Available for iOS and Android

What Is the Mobile App?

The Akia Mobile App is fully featured for guest messaging, so you and your staff can log in and manage the conversations or create tasks on the go. Anyone with a Standard or Admin user account can install and log in to the Mobile App using their credentials.

Akia Tip: We recommend using the Akia app on mobile devices rather than accessing through your mobile browser for the best user experience.

How Do I Use the Mobile App?


The Akia app is available for download on most mobile devices:

  • App Store for iOS (iPhone and iPad)
  • Google Play Store (Android)
Akia is not available on the Amazon App Store for Kindle. Your Android device must have access to the Google Play Store to download Akia.

Logging In

  • Admin and Standard users can log into the app with their email address and password.
  • An Admin user must first log into the app and provision the device for Tasks Only users to log in.
    • Provision Device

      This is applicable for cases where a property would issue a mobile device for the staff to use while on duty (e.g., housekeeping or maintenance).

      1. Log into the Akia app as an Admin user.
      1. Go to Settings and click Provision Device.
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      1. Tasks Only users can log in with their assigned four-digit code. When a Tasks Only user logs out, they do not gain access to the Admin account.
      Exit Provisioned Mode

      Tap and hold the Akia logo for a few seconds. You will be able to log in with your email address and password.

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Click on your profile in the upper right to access Settings.

Clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner brings you to settings.
Clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner brings you to settings.

Notification Settings

Disable notifications completely or configure how frequently you receive notifications on your mobile device. Make sure that you also have notifications enabled for Akia at the device level.

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Admins Only

  • Provision Device: Make the device accessible to Task Only users (deprecated).
  • Convert to Kiosk: Convert the device into a kiosk where guests can sign agreements.


Search a guest’s name or select their name from the Inbox to access the conversation thread. Click Open or Open Chat to connect with the guest. This will open the chat so you can send them messages.

Akia Tip: You can click on the ℹ (as in “information”) button to see a guest's profile without connecting with the guest. This is where the guest’s agreements, digital keys, and other widgets are stored.
Example chat window on the app. The floating window at the top will stay there so you can easily close the conversation.
Example chat window on the app. The floating window at the top will stay there so you can easily close the conversation.

Click Close at the top of the screen to mark the conversation as completed.


For additional options, click the right arrow (>) while the chat is open reveal the following icons:

  • Bookmark (also shows next to Open Chat): Access the magic wand icon, macros, and scheduled message templates to send to the guest
  • Camera: Take a photo to send to the guest
  • Gallery: Send a photo from your gallery to the guest
  • Paperclip: Send a file from your device to the guest

Switch Platforms

In the floating window, click on the icon to switch to another platform

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Filter for guests and send broadcast messages through the app.

  1. Click the person icon (👤) in the bottom bar.
  1. Filter for the desired guests (defaulted to guests arriving today).
  1. Select the guests you want to broadcast to and hit Broadcast at the bottom to write your message.


For more information about tasks, feel free to see our dedicated help article here: Create and Manage Tasks

How to Create a Task in Akia Mobile App

Just like the desktop version, you can create tasks in the Akia Mobile App in 2 different ways. Expand the dropdown to see step-by-step instructions

Create a Task from a message (John Smith in Room 1 says he needs more towels)
  1. Locate the John Smith’s chat in the Inbox
  1. Press and hold the message from which you want to create a task (in this case, it’s the message “I need more towels in room 1”)
      • Note: Android is a bit less reliable for the press and hold, and might require multiple tries
  1. Click on Task from the options that show up after you press and hold.
  1. Click on “Select Department” and select the department you wish to assign the task to from the drop-down menu (in our example, it’s Housekeeping)
  1. Click on “Assign To (Optional)” to pick a user you want to assign the task to (in this case, it’s User 1)
  1. Click on “Select Date” to pick a due date
  1. Enter Room Number
  1. Hit “Create”
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Create a Task with the + button (not a guest request but a general task)
  1. Go to your Akia Mobile App
  1. Click on the Circle “+” Icon and select New Task
  1. Enter “Task Title” (In this example, it’s “Room 1 needs more towels”)
  1. Enter “Description” (In this example, it’s “Please bring more towels to room 1 ASAP”)
  1. Select a department you want to assign the task to from the “Select Department” drop-down menu (In this example, it’s “Housekeeping)
  1. Select a user you want to assign the task to from the “Assign To (Optional)” drop-down menu (In this example, it’s User 1)
  1. Select a date from the “Select Date (Optional)” date selector.
  1. Enter the room number in “Room Number”
  1. Click “Create”
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Add a User to an Existing Task

Want to add your head housekeeper to an existing task? Follow the steps below:

  1. Locate the task you want to add a new participant to (in this case, it’s task “Room 1 needs more towels”)
  1. Click on the Circle “i” icon on top of your task chat
  1. Click on “Participants”
  1. Click on the part where existing participants are highlighted in Blue
  1. Click on “User 2” to add to the task
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Assign an Existing Task to a Different User

Is the person the task was assigned to currently out of office? You can quickly reassign the task to a new user in this case!

  1. Locate the task you want to edit (In this case, it’s Task: “Room 1 needs more towels”)
  1. Click on the Circle “i” icon on top of your task chat
  1. Click on “Task Details”
  1. Click on “Owner”
  1. Select “User 2”
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Mark a Task as Completed

There are 2 ways you can complete a task. Expand the dropdown to see step-by-step instructions.

Complete tasks through the Tasks Tab (the list icon to the right of the Inbox)
  1. Click on the “Tasks” Tab located at the bottom part of your screen
  1. Locate the task you want to complete (There are different pre-set filters you can choose, like Unassigned tasks, All Tasks, and Department. In this case, we chose “All”, but you can also go to “Department” and select “Housekeeping”)
  1. Click on the circle check box to Mark Complete
  1. After you checkmark the task to complete, you can see it shows up under “Complete”.
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Through the Task Chat
  1. Locate the task chat in your inbox (In this case, it’s “Room 1 needs more towels”)
  1. Click on the Circle “i” icon on top of your task chat
  1. Click on “Task Details”
  1. Click “Mark Complete”
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Click on the receipt icon (🧾) to see active orders for your property and manage them. Note that if you do not have access to Orders, this icon will not show up for you in the mobile app.


For more information about Orders, click here: Manage Order Requests



View your notifications by clicking on the bell icon (🔔) in the bottom bar. Note that going into the notifications page will automatically mark all of your notifications as read.


Create a New Customer, Team Chat, or Task

Clicking the teal plus button in the lower right corner of the screen found on all pages will allow you to create a new customer, team chat, or task.

Akia Tip: While connected with a guest, swiping any message bubble towards the center of the screen (swiping left for your messages and right for guest messages) will allow you to create a task from the message itself like in the desktop version.

Use Cases

  1. 🏃 Away: If you are frequently away from the desk, download the mobile app to stay connected with guests and team members.
  1. 🤳 Tasks Only: The mobile app is required for Tasks Only users to log in and view their assigned tasks.

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