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Hotel Configuration

How to modify details about your property

What Is Hotel Config?

The Hotel Config section in Settings allows you to access your unique hotel email, change your hotel logo, specify your property’s hours and social media links, and set Akia’s response delay and salutation type.

All Standard and Admin users are able to view and edit your Hotel Config. If you want to block a Standard user’s access, you will have to remove Settings from their Features. Learn more about how to remove and add features here: Users and Departments
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Akia Tip: If you would like a WhatsApp number but none has been assigned to your account, please refer to this article on how to begin the WhatsApp onboarding process: WhatsApp

What Can I Edit in Hotel Config?

Remember to click Save Changes at the bottom after making any edits!

Hotel Name

Change the name of your hotel when introduced to guests or when the message token {{}} is used.

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Hotel Logo

Upload your hotel logo that will display at the top of your booklets and agreements. Note that the logo will be resized in the booklets and agreements based on available vertical space.

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Check-In & Checkout Hours

Specify your check-in and check-out hours so Akia can automatically respond to inquiring guests.

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Staff Availability Hours (& Staff Unavailable Message)

Set your hours of availability per day. If you select custom hours per day, you’re able to set a Staff Unavailable Message that will automatically reply if a guest messages you outside of your available hours.

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Inbox Smart Tags

Specify any tags you want to see directly under the guest’s name in your Inbox. Note that these tags will show for all users who can view guest threads in the Inbox.


If you just added a smart tag, it will be applied the next time we get a reservation update from your PMS.

The latest synced reservation will be reflected in the tags if the guest has multiple reservations.
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The tags will show as little bubbles underneath the guest’s name
The tags will show as little bubbles underneath the guest’s name

Social Networks

Provide your social links that will be used in your booklets if you select the social component. Learn more about editing booklets here.

Specify your social media links in Hotel Config.
Specify your social media links in Hotel Config.
Select the social media channels in the booklet editor.
Select the social media channels in the booklet editor.

Inactive Conversations

If you check these, Akia will automatically reopen the chat if the connected staff has not sent a message after ~10 minutes and will close the chat if the guest has stopped replying after ~30 minutes.

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Request Escalation

Set the escalation time for your property and optionally choose to forward the conversation to a specific department if left unanswered.

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Salutation Type

Specify how Akia should address the guest when you use the {{guest.honorific}} token.

By default, Akia will address guests
By default, Akia will address guests Formal with Party.

Use Cases

  1. 🌒 Night shift: If a user is available throughout the night, set your availability hours to Available 24/7 so your team is notified of any late-night questions.
  1. 💨 Akia responds unnaturally fast: Your guests pointing out how your responses are unnaturally fast? Set your response delay to a couple of seconds to make the conversation seem more natural.

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