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Advanced: Conditions

Send messages to only certain guests based on specified conditions

What Are Conditions?

Conditions are used under Action Variants to better segment which guests you want to send a variation of the scheduled action to.

Akia Tip: Think of conditions as “rules” for a guest/reservation to pass through before a scheduled message/action is run for them. You can have as many conditions as desired for a single action variant.

How Do I Make/Specify a Condition?

  1. Click on your profile picture and go to Automation > Journey
  1. Click on the Scheduled Action you want to add a condition to, and in the sidebar, you will see Action Variants
    1. Clicking on a scheduled action will bring up the side panel where you can begin creating your action variants.
      Clicking on a scheduled action will bring up the side panel where you can begin creating your action variants.
  1. Click on the message you want to add conditions to
  1. You can now select from the optional conditions at the top of the sidebar or click + Condition to add special conditions
    1. Akia Tip: Note at the top of the additional conditions, you have the option to specify ALL, ANY, or NONE.
      • ALL: the guest needs to match all of the conditions stated below in order for the action to run. Think of ALL like meaning “and.”
      • ANY: the guest needs to match at least one of the conditions for the action to run. Think of ANY like meaning “or.”
      • NONE: the guest cannot match any of the conditions for the action to run. Think of NONE as “cannot.”
      • Run Time Between: specify what time in the day the action runs
      • Day of Week: specify what days of the week the action runs
      • Locale: select any applicable guest languages for the action to be performed
      • Agreement: select a specific agreement to check if it is signed/unsigned for the action to be performed
      Other Conditions: specify when the action runs based on guest/reservation details
      • Address
      • Arrival Date
      • Balance Due (Cent)
      • Balance Due Raw
      • Booking Date
      • Booking Source
      • Country Code
      • Departure Date
      • Deposit (Cent)
      • Engaged
      • Extern URL
      • Gender
      • Identity Verified
      • Language
      • Length of Stay
      • Max Occupancy
      • Number of Adults
      • Number of Bathrooms
      • Number of Bedrooms
      • Number of Children
      • Owner
      • Party Size
      • Postal Code
      • Rate Code
      • Reservation Status
      • Reservation Type
      • Room Number
      • Room Type
      • Secondary Reservation
      • Total Payment (Cent)
      • Total Payment Plus Tax
      • Total Payment Raw
      • VIP
      Notion image
  1. Select the Action to be performed based on the conditions you’ve specified
  1. Click Ok to save
  1. On the previous Scheduled Action page, click Start to begin sending the scheduled action

Video Guide

We are adding a variant for our 10 am arrival message to send VIPs a special message and adding an email fallback in case their phone number isn’t valid. We click
We are adding a variant for our 10 am arrival message to send VIPs a special message and adding an email fallback in case their phone number isn’t valid. We click + Condition to add the VIP condition “is true,” to ensure the message is only sent to VIP guests. We change the order of the variants in the previous screen to ensure the VIP variant is above “All Customers” so they get the special message.


Match exactly to a numerical value
Specifically for Room 1025
not equals
Match when it is not this numerical value
All room numbers except 200
Match when it belongs to a set. Can be numerical, numerical ranges, or string
Room numbers that are: * 25 * 100-199 * Penthouse
not in
Match when it does not belong to the set. Can be numerical, numerical ranges, or string
Room numbers that are not: * 25 * 100-199 * Penthouse
Match string that is contained in this value
All room types that contain "NE." E.g., "NE100," "NE101," "NE102" would all match this rule.
doesn’t contain
Match when it does not contained the specified value
All room types that don’t contain “Ocean.” E.g., ”Mountain View” and “Sea View” would match this rule, “Ocean View” would not match this rule.
starts with
Match when the value begins with the specified string
All room types beginning with “Cabin.” E.g., “Cabin 1,” “Cabin 2,” “Cabin A” would all match this rule but “Seashore Cabin” would not.
greater than
Greater than a numerical value
All room numbers greater than 200
less than
Less than a numerical value
All room numbers less than 200
greater or equal
Greater than or equal to a numerical value
All room numbers great than or equal to 200
less or equal
Less than or equal to a numerical value
All room numbers less than or equal to 200
is true
Match when the value is true
If the guest staying is an owner
is false
Match when the value is not true
If the guest staying is not an owner
is set
Match if the value is not blank
is not set
Match if the value is blank

Use Cases

  1. 🧑 Send a Specialized Message to Owners: Add a new variant with the condition “Owner” is true and customize your message to them.
      • Make sure this variant is at the top of the list, and then create another variant for all guests (no conditions) with your default message.
  1. 🧭 Directions Based on Rooms: If some rooms have different directions than others, specify “in” Room Number/Type in your condition and write the custom directions in the message field.
      • For example, “Room Number” in 100-200 will receive “Take the elevator to the left of the front desk to get to your room,” while you specify in another variant that “Room Number” in 300-400 will receive “Take the elevator to the right of the front desk to get to your room.”
  1. ⭐️ Special Service for VIPs: Send a special offer to guests who are either in a specific room or are owners.
      • Set the conditions option to “ANY” and specify the room type(s) and “Owner” is true for the message to be sent.

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