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Web Chat

Connect with guests who are browsing your website

What is Web Chat

Akia’s web chat is a small JavaScript widget that you can embed on your website or booking engine to allow prospective guests to communicate with you while they are browsing the site.

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With Akia's unified inbox, web chat messages also come directly into your normal text messaging inbox, so you can manage and chat with guests who are browsing your website as well as guests on your property all within the same place.

A Website Visitor will be marked as such until they provide their name.
A Website Visitor will be marked as such until they provide their name.

Website Visitors are clearly indicated in your thread list with a badge to let you know whether they are still online and browsing your site or they are offline and have left your site.


How Do I Set Up Web Chat?

To install the web chat widget, your IT team can place the following code on every page on your website in the header. Your unique Website Token can be found in Akia's Settings under Platforms > Website Chat.

<script src="<YOUR_WEBSITE_TOKEN>/chat.js">
<a href="" rel="nofollow">Chat with us</a>

Add the following code to your website to have the Web Chat automatically pop up when clicked:

<a id="SPECIFY_ID_HERE" href="" class="footer-link">Message Us</a>

Move the Web Chat

Update the CSS to add right and bottom margins depending on where you want to move the web chat on your page.

.__akia-chat-box {
  margin-right: 30px!important;
  margin-bottom: 30px!important;

Change Web Chat Logo

After you have added the Web Chat code to your website, you can update the icon by adding your logo URL to the following code section. We recommend 55x55 dimensions.

	.__akia-chat-icon {
	background-image: url(<your_logo_here>) !important;

Setting a Welcome Message

In the settings, you can specify a special welcome message which will be the first message displayed to a new visitor to engage with them.

Your welcome message will show as a preview and will be the first message when the guest opens up the chat.
Your welcome message will show as a preview and will be the first message when the guest opens up the chat.

Setting Your Availability

You can optionally specify your hours of availability for web chat if you don't want to accept new inquiries through your website during specific hours. You can customize your availability start and end time per day.


If a visitor tries to chat with you while you're unavailable, the visitor would see that you are "offline" and would receive an automated unavailable message which you can also customize.


Following Up With Your Prospects Over SMS/WhatsApp

While the visitor is chatting with you on your website, they'll be asked to provide their names and phone numbers. If they provide their phone number, it will be displayed in the guest profile, and you will be able to switch the platform to SMS/WhatsApp in the top left corner of the message thread.

Clicking the down arrow will allow you to switch message platforms.
Clicking the down arrow will allow you to switch message platforms.

This will allow you to follow up or continue the conversation with the prospective customers over text messaging.


Advanced - Welcome Screen

Customize your Web Chat welcome screen to collect visitor data. Reach out to us in the Support Chat or at if you would like to add the welcome screen to your Web Chat.

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Advanced - Prompts

Go to the Prompts section of Web Chat to configure your Web Chat to send a different message to the guest based on if they’ve been to your website before or what page they’re viewing.

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Use Cases

  1. 🙋 Answer Prospective Guests: Use the web chat on your website so prospective guests who are on your site are able to reach out with any questions.
      • Add a special welcome message that encourages website visitors to engage.
  1. ✏️ Track Leads on Your Website: After a visitor provides their contact information, follow up with a regular SMS to encourage them to book directly with your property after they have left your website.

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