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Automated Reply Issues

Akia did not detect a guest’s message or Akia incorrectly responded.

What Are Automated Replies?

Akia is able to understand and respond to some guest requests and questions using Artificial Intelligence. Some of these automated responses can be customized by your property in Automation > Responder. Learn more about the automated responder here: Automated Replies.


How Do I Troubleshoot Automated Reply Issues?

Akia Did Not Detect the Guest’s Question and Automatically Respond

If Akia does not automatically respond, it will open the chat, prompting a user to manually respond to the guest’s question. Common reasons for this are as follows:

  1. The guest asked a question via email
      • The AI responder does not work on messages sent via email.
  1. The guest doesn’t have an active reservation (currently in-house or arriving today)
      • The AI won’t trigger non-FAQ questions/requests if the guest doesn’t have an active reservation.
  1. Akia was unable to confidently detect the guest’s intention/question and defaulted to opening a ticket.
      • To ensure the guest receives the correct information, if Akia cannot confidently detect the guest’s intention, it will default to opening a ticket (chat) for a user to correctly respond.
  1. The guest asked the question multiple times or multiple questions in one message.
      • If the guest continues to raise the same issue, or multiple issues at once, Akia will default to opening the chat for a user to manually review.
  1. A user was already connected to the guest when the question was asked.
      • Akia will not send automated replies while a user is connected with a guest; so even if a guest asks “What is the wifi password,” if someone is connected to the chat, it will not respond. (Scheduled messages will still send while a user is connected.)
  1. The Automated responder is not set up.
      • Set up your automated responses by clicking on your profile picture and going to Automation > Responder. Learn more about the automated responder here: Automated Replies.
  1. The Responder configuration has Akia open a ticket with no response.
      • You can select Notify staff when this message is received for Item Requests, Reported Issues, and Locations Inquiry responses without having to specify a message, so check your configuration if you notice the AI detecting one of these issues but not responding as expected:
      Notion image

Akia Responded Incorrectly to a Guest

Under a guest message, you might see a lightning bolt indicating what Akia determine’s the guest’s intent to be. Based on this intent, Akia will respond to the guest if you have set up the requested item or wifi information in Automation > Responder.

Notion image

If the intent is incorrect and Akia replied incorrectly, please hover over the message bubble and click Report so our team can improve the AI.

If you do not like how Akia automatically responds to your guest or notice it answers inappropriately more often than not, reach out to us in the Support Chat at the bottom of your Inbox or at so we can disable automated replies for your property.

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